Explaining: Gender Dysphoria and Gender Reassignment surgery in Greece and Female to Male Surgery in Greece, (SRS, FTM SRS, FTM)

Gender Dysphoria Greece, Gender Reassignment Surgery Greece, Sex Change Surgery Greece, Sex Reassignment Surgery Greece, Female to Male Surgery Greece, FTM Greece, FTM SRS Greece, SRS FTM, SRS Greece

Disclaimer* The purpose of this blog is to provide basic information on Gender reassignment surgery to clients living in Greece and around the World who are looking for medical tourism in Greece or at other comfortable International destinations. In Greece word has been used all throughout, as, an example but might not have reference to options available in Greece.

Knowledge of “Gender Dysphoria in Greece?”

Gender dysphoria in Greece is referred to conflict between a person’s physical or assigned gender and the gender with which that person identifies himself in Greece / Herself in Greece. Usually person with gender dysphoria in Greece might be very uncomfortable with assigned gender especially with their body or expected role he / she is assigned.

Gender dysphoria in Greece is not referred to as gender nonconformity in Greece, in any way.

Note* If you are in Greece and considering options to undergo Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece also known as Sex Change Surgery in Greece, Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece, Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece, Sex reassignment surgery in Greece, SRS in Greece, Sex Change in Greece, Gender Reassignment in Greece, Sex reassignment in Greece, Genital Reconstruction in Greece then you are in the right place, we at best medical surgery help our clients from Greece with International Medical tourism for Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece and abroad.

Please read our Mission Statement: To Provide AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE, BEST QUALITY, INTERNATIONAL Medical Tourism for Sex Reassignment Surgery in Greece to our Clients from Greece and Medical Tourism for Plastic Surgery Procedures to our Clients from Greece.

What is Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece (SRS)?

Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece, also known as, Sex reassignment surgery in Greece or Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece or Sex Change Surgery in Greece or SRS in Greece, Genital Reconstruction in Greece, Sex Change in Greece, Sex reassignment in Greece or Gender Reassignment in Greece is surgical procedure that changes a person’s sexual structure in Greece, of both function and appearance from Female to male in Greece or male to female in Greece. Medically known by different names as masculinizing in Greece or feminizing in Greece, vaginoplasty in Greece or penectomy in Greece, orchiectomy in Greece, genioplasty in Greece, phalloplasty in Greece and/or metoidioplasty in Greece depending on the assigned gender and intended gender. Sex Change Surgery in Greece is taken advantage by transgender individuals (referred to as Transgender Surgery in Greece by few) to shift from their biological gender to their identified sex as a treatment for a condition known as gender dysphoria in Greece.

Who Can Undergo Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece?

Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece can also be performed on a person who is identified as transgenders, who can be referred to as transsexuals in Greece after Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece. The Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece can only be performed on an Individual who is mentally healthy, which is determined only through mental health evaluation conducted before the Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece. Mainly for Individuals, who have gender dysphoria in Greece, medical condition also known as gender identity disorder in Greece.

A Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece can help to decrease feeling of distress related to gender dysphoria.

* If you are interested in Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece or any other type of plastic surgery in Greece, feel free to contact us so that we can fix up your complimentary appointment in Greece with a professional and experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece or Abroad.

Things to remember in Greece for Gender Reassignment Surgery?

First step for gender reassignment surgery in Greece is evaluation of patient’s mental health in Greece conducted by a mental health specialist in Greece or a certified psychologist in Greece who is experienced in dealing with the gender issues he/she will help the patient in Greece to determine whether treatment for gender dysphoria is required or not in Greece.

Before undergoing gender reassignment surgery procedure in Greece, patient also needs to undergo hormone therapy.

Hormone therapy is important before gender reassignment surgery in Greece to ease a patient’s feelings of gender confusion to relieve distress symptoms caused by gender dysphoria in Greece.

Gender reassignment surgery in Greece is done to form new penis or by using penis and scrotum in Greece to reconstruct vagina and vulva.

Risks and Complications of Sex Change Surgery in Greece

Sex Change Surgery in Greece is a major procedure which comes with significant complications and risks in Greece. Plastic surgeon for Sex Change Surgery in Greece explains the patient, risks and limitations before Sex Change Surgery in Greece and even before patient provides consent for Sex Change Surgery in Greece.

Few risks and complications of Sex Change Surgery in Greece are mainly due to hormone therapy in Greece which includes:

  • Infertility in Greece
  • High blood pressure in Greece
  • Heart disease in Greece
  • Sleep apnea in Greece
  • Tumors affecting pituitary gland in Greece
  • High levels of liver enzymes in Greece
  • Uncontrolled weight gain in Greece
  • Anxiety in Greece
  • Blood clots in Greece
  • Feelings of uncertainty and confusion

* If you are interested in gender reassignment surgery in Greece or any other type of plastic surgery in Greece, feel free to contact us so that we can fix up your complimentary appointment in Greece with a professional and experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for gender reassignment surgery in Greece or Abroad.

Steps for: Female To Male Sex Reassignment Surgery in Greece, also called, Female To Male in Greece, FTM in Greece, FTX in Greece, FTM SRS in Greece, Female To Male SRS in Greece

female to male sex reassignment surgery Greece, female to male Greece, ftm Greece, ftx Greece, ftm srs Greece, female to male srs Greece, masculinizing Greece, feminizing Greece, vaginoplasty Greece, penectomy Greece, orchiectomy Greece, genioplasty Greece, phalloplasty Greece, metoidioplasty Greece, metoidioplasty Greece, transsexual surgery, Transgender Surgery Greece, SRS, female to male surgery Greece, female to male surgery

Disclaimer* Purpose of this blog is to provide basic information on Gender reassignment surgery in Greece to clients who are looking for medical tourism from Greece. In Greece word has been used as an example but might not have reference to options available in Greece.

Step 1: Masculinization in Greece Or Mastectomy in Greece

Mastectomy in Greece or masculinization of the torso in Greece is procedure through which breast tissues and mammary glands are removed in Greece

The 2 surgical techniques used for Masculinization in Greece Or Mastectomy in Greece:
Subcutaneous in Greece or periareolar mastectomy in Greece:
  • As part of gender reassignment surgery in Greece, Small incisions following the bottom line of each nipple’s areolas in Greece.
  • Resection of excess skin, tissues, and glands through small incisions in Greece.
  • Closure of incisions in Greece.
Double incision bilateral mastectomy with nipple grafts in Greece:

This technique will be recommended by your plastic surgeon for gender reassignment surgery in Greece, if patient has excess mammary glands and tissues.

  • Incision along line of each areola in order to completely remove nipple in Greece.
  • Sub-pectoral incision on each side of torso in Greece.
  • Removal of skin between the nipple in Greece and sub pectoral incision in Greece and at the same time, resection of mammary glands and tissues in Greece.
  • Closure of sub-pectoral incision in Greece.

Attachment of nipple to the natural location on male torso in Greece.

Step 2: Metaiodoplasty for Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece

Metoidioplasty in Greece is a procedure used by experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece to obtain a more masculine appearance of genitals.

Depending on your requirement you can to undergo metoidioplasty in Greece, an alternative (Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece) to phalloplasty.

metoidioplasty techniques used Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece:

  • Creation of a penis through lengthening of clitoris (metoidioplasty in Greece).
  • Lengthening urethra (neourethra in Greece);
  • Closure of vaginal cavity (vaginectomy in Greece).
  • Creation of of scrotum (scrotoplasty in Greece and insertion of testicular implants) or bifid scrotum in Greece (insertion of testicular implants into labia majora of vulva).


* If you are interested in FTM SRS in Greece or any other type of plastic surgery in Greece, feel free to contact us so that we can fix up your complimentary appointment in Greece with a professional and experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for FTM SRS in Greece or Abroad.

Step 3: Phalloplasty for Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece

Phalloplasty in Greece is considered very important surgical procedure in masculinization process during Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece for genitals.

Phalloplasty in Greece mainly includes removal of flap of skin from region of patient`s body to create phallus. During Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece skin flap has to be taken from the forearm.

Phalloplasty in Greece – Forearm skin flap

Expected results for Phalloplasty in Greece:

  • Creation of male genitalia in Greece which includes a glans, medium-sized phallus and scrotum.
  • Construction of penile urethra in Greece, which allows patient you to urinate in standing position.
  • Possibility of sexual relations with penetration after Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece which is followed by insertion of penile implant and erogenous zones for orgasm and sexual pleasure.

* If you are interested in Female to male Sex reassignment surgery in Greece or any other type of plastic surgery in Greece, feel free to contact us so that we can fix up your complimentary appointment in Greece with a professional and experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for Female to male Sex reassignment surgery in Greece or Abroad.

Step 4: Construction of Urethra during Sex Change Surgery in Greece

Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece, it involves construction of urethra and is surgical procedure that can be performed either along with phalloplasty in Greece or during second visit performed after phalloplasty.

Your plastic surgeon will be able to guide you when construction of urethra in Greece can be done. Procedure for construction of urethra during Female to male SRS in Greece is an important step as it allows patient`s urine to flow through tip of phallus, making it possible for patient to urinate standing up. For more details Contact us.

Important information:

Testicular implants in Greece cannot be inserted at same time as that of construction of urethra in Greece can be performed after 6 months.

Step 5: Insertion of Testicular Implants In Greece during Sex Change Surgery in Greece

Insertion of testicular implant or testicular implants in Greece is procedure with insertion of 1 or 2 gel filled testicular implants in Greece into the scrotum which provides the genitals masculine appearance.

Step 6: Insertion of Penile Implant in Greece during Sex Surgery in Greece

Insertion of the implant in Greece inside phallus that was formed / created during patient`s phalloplasty in Greece and allows for pleasurable sexual intercourse including penetration.

Step 7: Surgeries in Greece for Masculinization of Face and Body

Few of these Sex reassignment procedures can be performed in Greece along with other procedures of gender reassignment in Greece, discuss the options with Plastic Surgeon for Sex reassignment Surgery in Greece.

Facial surgeries:
Body surgeries:

* If you are interested in Female to male Gender reassignment surgery in Greece or any other type of plastic surgery in Greece, feel free to contact us so that we can fix up your complimentary appointment in Greece with a professional and experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for Female to male gender reassignment surgery in Greece or Abroad.

Step 8: Other Corrective Surgeries in Greece after Sex Reassignment Surgery

After sex reassignment surgery in Greece, other corrective surgeries to improve aesthetic appearance of genitals in Greece or for better functionality

  • Masculinization of torso – Nipple correction in Greece
  • Secondary Phalloplasty in Greece
  • Genital scar revision in Greece
  • Masculinization of torso – Torso scar removal in Greece

Definitions in Greece`s perspective

  • Assigned gender in Greece – refers to initial assignment of person as female or male at birth in Greece. Assigned Gender is based on physical sex characteristic which are visible and also based on child’s genitalia.
  • Gender reassignment in Greece – Gender reassignment refers to official change of gender in Greece.
  • Gender dysphoria in Greece – Gender Dysphoria is a descriptive term in Greece which refers to a person’s discontent with assigned gender.
  • Transgender in Greece – Transgender is an individual in Greece identified as having different gender from their assigned gender.
  • Transsexual in Greece – Transsexual is an individual in Greece who has undergone, transition from female to male SRS or male to female SRS who has undergone genital surgery in Greece (sex reassignment surgery in Greece).

Cost of Sex Reassignment Surgery In Greece

The cost of Sex reassignment surgery in Greece could be discussed after free consultation with best Plastic Surgeon for FTM SRS in Greece. It is very difficult to explain cost of gender reassignment surgery in Greece or cost of Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece or cost of Sex Change Surgery in Greece or cost of SRS in Greece or cost of FTM in Greece or cost of Female to MALE in Greece.

Please read our Mission Statement: To Provide AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE, BEST QUALITY, INTERNATIONAL Medical Tourism for Sex Reassignment Surgery in Greece to our Clients from Greece and Medical Tourism for Plastic Surgery Procedures to our Clients from Greece.

Note* If you are in Greece and considering options to undergo Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece also known as Sex Change Surgery in Greece, Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece, Genital Reconstruction Surgery in Greece, Sex reassignment surgery in Greece, SRS in Greece, Sex Change in Greece, Gender Reassignment in Greece, Sex reassignment in Greece, Genital Reconstruction in Greece then you are in the right place, we at best medical surgery help our clients from Greece with International Medical tourism for Gender Reassignment Surgery in Greece and abroad.


Disclaimer* The purpose of this blog is to provide basic information on Gender reassignment surgery to clients living in Greece and around the World who are looking for medical tourism in Greece or at other comfortable International destinations. In Greece word has been used all throughout, as, an example but might not have reference to options available in Greece.

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